Sojourn origin story revealed ahead of Overwatch 2 PvP beta release
Overwatch 2 Sojourn

Sojourn origin story revealed ahead of Overwatch 2 PvP beta release

Vivian Chase has finally arrived

News that Sojourn will be available on the Overwatch 2 PvP beta was announced by Blizzard announced on Wednesday alongside her origin story trailer.

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Sojourn, whose real name is Vivian Chase, has been a known entity in the Overwatch lore since the early days of the first game. However, it took until Overwatch 2 for her to finally join the cast of playable characters. Blizzard revealed a glimpse of her as an Overwatch 2 character at BlizzCon 2019 and bits of gameplay dropped shortly after. The former Captain of Overwatch will feature a number of cybernetic abilities.

Sojourn finally joins the Overwatch roster

The Canadian hero’s background trailer revealed more in-depth details about her personal story, which includes fighting alongside Jack Morrison, Soldier 76, in Overwatch’s glory days.

“My unit of the Canadian Special Forces teamed up with Overwatch during the Omnic Crisis,” Sojourn said in the clip about how she linked up with Overwatch. “Jack Morrison and I worked well together and after the war, he reached out.”

On the whole, Sojurn presented herself as a flexible soldier who is capable of leading from behind or taking to the frontlines of the fight.

While Blizzard previously showed some gameplay clips, it’s been awhile since Overwatch fans heard from Sojourn. So, it’s not entirely certain what abilities she’ll bring to the table and how much will change from the initial reveals.

The Overwatch 2 PvP beta is set to begin on April 26. Players can sign up to opt in for a chance to be invited to partake in the beta prior to launch. The game’s official release date has not yet been announced, but an Activision Blizzard earnings call in November of 2021 implied that a 2022 might be unlikely. Players will need to own the first game in order to be invited to the first closed beta.

Image of Michael Kloos
Michael Kloos
Michael Kloos is a Dutch esports journalist and enthusiast with a particular like of Rocket League and VALORANT. He is also an avid fantasy/sci-fi reader and writer. He spends most of his time trying not to be in the real world.